Kasia Fudakowski, "Chapter 5: Repetition (Overlapping polaroid)", 2021

Kasia Fudakowski, "Chapter 5: Repetition (Overlapping polaroid)", 2021

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Woodcut print, acrylic printing ink on 250g acid free paper
59,4 x 42 cm
Signed, numbered and dated
Edition of 10

"The difference between the comic and the tragic hero/heroine is marginal. Both experience tragedy, but where the tragic hero/heroine either succeds or dies trying, the comic hero/heroine neither succeeds nor dies. Instead they get up, brush themselves off, and start the whole process again. It's at these moments both the horror and the comic side of the scenario are revealed." – Excerpt from Kasia Fudakowski’s recently published book The Roll of the Artist.